HMAC Forthcoming Events

Club Nights
The club holds regular members meetings during the light summer months (May through August) at our Throcking flying site, where we fly until dusk and usually have a BBQ going as well.
In 2023 we also hope to have some entertaining light hearted flying competitions.
The first club meeting of the 2023 season will be on Wednesday 17th May and the next will be on Wednesday 14th June.

We are also starting regular weekday flying sessions every Wednesday afternoon/evening, the first of which will be on 17th May 2023.
Please use the Doodle booking system as per usual and inform Jeremy to get the entrance cleared before your arrival. Please, no IC powered planes or loud electric powered planes after 7:30pm

Club Committee Meetings
The club holds regular Committee Meetings for the running and governance of the club.

The next Committee Meeting is 10am Sunday 18th June 2023 at Throcking.